Join IPSTeam
Our people are the key to everything. We want our employees to love their job and stay with us, so we work hard to keep them happy. The best part of working at IPST is that every day brings a different challenge.
“IPST is like a big family of scientists, each one more passionate than the next. I work every day with dedicated colleagues who have incredible expertise and who each give the best of themselves. We are a real team and together we are not afraid to go where others have never gone before. We are always ready to take on new challenges.” – Study Director Hélène Mouilleron, Ph.D.
We are always interested in having wicked smart people join our team. If you thrive on working autonomously, love participating in fearless innovative science, and are no stranger to meeting tight deadlines, let’s meet. The coffee is on us.
Drop us a line :
Helpful hints:
- Consider exactly what type of position you’re looking for and tell us about your strengths and why you’re the ideal candidate.
- Tell us about your experiences and your qualifications.
- Highlight your achievements.
- Explain why you want to work for IPS Therapeutique.
- Tell us why we’re a great fit for one another.
- Do your homework.
- When you send us your letter of application, please include your CV and references.