Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)


NASH is the resultant inflammatory response to the NAFLD chronic manifestation, a subsequent phase of non-treated NADLF.



NASH is induced by a longer consumption of the combination of High fat, high fructose and cholesterol during a period of 20-32 weeks


Study outcome

Blood biochemistry profile, extensive liver histology analysis, Liver triglyceride and collagen content



Dany Salvail

Ph.D., Vice-President.

“From running the experiments myself to designing them to be run by others, the initial steps have always been my favourite. Those moments when a sponsor explains the challenge he/she/they are facing, and together we brainstorm to assemble a solution. Eventually, a ground-breaking idea—a parameter, a test, something—comes to mind, which crystallizes the solution. At that point, we both know that this idea changes everything: it collapses obstacles and opens the path forward. That moment has remained one of my greatest motivators throughout the years.” Dan’s undergrad studies in Biochemistry (Bishop’s University) were followed by graduate studies in Thoracic Physiology (Université de Sherbrooke). Dan’s post-graduate work was in Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Cardiology.