
The incidence of obesity continues to raise worldwide, making imperative to find good therapeutic treatments. Currently, 1.1 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 312 million of them are clinically obese.



Obesity is induced by high fat diet or by genetically modified animals (leptin KO or leptin receptor KO)

Study outcome

Body weight, food intake, glucose tolerance (OGTT), insulin sensitivity (ITT, HOMA-IR), complete blood biochemistry profile, adipose tissue histology, glucose metabolism.


Mice or rats

Marie-Claude Nault

Head of the Imaging Team

Marie-Claude has been with IPST since 2012. She is the specialist in echocardiography and the laboratory technical team director. She likes new challenges and working within a team. In the future, she would like to increase her knowledge of other imaging devices in order to better serve our clients.